Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gumdrop Wreath DIY Tutorial

Gumdrop wreaths are so cute...and SO EASY to make!

They are perfect for holidays like... Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Birthdays... to name a few!

Lets begin!

Here is what you will need:

-A Styrofoam Wreath (any size you want. A 14" wreath is used here)
-About 8-10 bags of Spice Drops (Or gumdrops if you prefer a larger candy look)
-Ribbon (to hang)

Push the toothpick into the spice drop or gumdrop. Push the other end into the Styrofoam. Repeat a thousand times. ;)

Arrange the colors anyway you would like.

Keep on fillin'!

Before you fill in the whole wreath, tie a ribbon onto the Styrofoam wreath. This allows for easy hanging....AND... by doing it this way, you will not see the ribbon around the wreath. Just Gumballs! After the ribbon is secure, poke gumball toothpicks through the ribbon and arrange gumballs around it to conceal it.

Note: You can also wrap metal wire around the wreath, securing it with masking tape, and create a loop for your ribbon with the wire. I prefer the ribbon method. It is just easier to tie the ribbon directly onto the Styrofoam for me. But both ways work.

As soon as it is all filled in, spray the frame with the iridescent or clear spray paint. This seals the candy and prevents it from getting moldy over time. If you are hanging up your wreath for only a short time... this is step is optional.

NOW.... hang 'er up!!

It really is that easy!

Other options:

Gumdrops and Spice drops mixed together:

Picture Source: Sewdarncute.typepad.com

Bigger Gumdrops only:

Picture Source: Ehow.com

Gumdrop Topiary

Picture Source: Sheknows.com

Mini-Gumdrop Wreaths as a Candle Centerpiece on a Table

Source: Unknown :(

I wouldn't advise hanging this wreath on doors that slam often... as the gumdrops, collectively, have a little bit of weight with them and can shatter the Styrofoam wreath. Just a bit of advice. I would hate to spend an hour or two gumdropping up a wreath for it to be destroyed when a kid slams the door accidentally. ;)

Have fun making a little slice of Candy Land! Don't forget to check out my previous post highlighting my Niece's Candy Land themed birthday party!


  1. Wow, your wreath turned out fabulous! It must have taken awhile to get all those gum drops on.

  2. What a cute idea!!! I will definitley be trying this out...

  3. LOVE it!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
