Tuesday, August 11, 2009

California Trip Part 1: Candy Land

Ok. I know it has been a long time coming... but I am finally posting my California trip! I haven't been taking a blogging break... quite the contrary. I have been working very diligently to make a self-set deadline...that will be revealed really soon. Are you completely lost and confused? haha... I'm not sure if it is possible to get any more vague. ;) If you are assuming that it has something to do with the blog... then you are very, very warm. If all goes according to plan... I will give further explanation this weekend. :) (Now the pressure is REALLY on!)

The main purpose of my trip to California was to attend (and help a little) with my niece's 3rd birthday party. Now, any of you who know my sister... know that she doesn't have parties. No...she has EVENTS. Months of planning and preparation, tons of DIY... and it would be a fair question to ask if she may have lost her cotton pickin' marbles. haha But she loves every minute of it (I don't care what she says in the process...there is nothing she'd rather be doing or thinking about).

The birthday party theme was Candy Land. And it was nothing short of a cavity...

Here is a tour around sugar heaven:

Outside...walking up the colorful path.

A big welcome chalkboard with some candies in a wagon.

Rag wreaths I made for the party...

The path continues into the house...

To the right is a welcome table with all sorts of goodies...

...including the kid's favors.

Smart thinking with the toothbrush. ;)

And another chalkboard... Happy Birthday Ella!

Onto the great room:

Candy ornaments on a twig tree:

Topiary tree made out lollipops:

Gumball wire tree:


Animal cookies and Hershey kisses:

Dipped Cones:

Marshmallow Pops:


Cotton Candy Cones and Carmel Corn:

Mini Chalkboard:


Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Sticks:

Going outside:

...decoupage letters spelling Candy Land.

Homemade Pink Lemonade with Licorice Straws:

Gumball Wreath:

Paper Lantern Gumballs...hanging from the patio:

Table Decor:

Lollipops in the Grass...and a big ol' Candy Land jumpy:

Picnic area for the kids with candy pillows:

Chalkboard pictures for face painting:


Birthday girl and her donut:

Me and the birthday girl:

Sisters and Mom:

...and with Miss Ella.

Instead of traditional Cake...

The kids were served ice cream cones...

...and the grown-ups got fresh-out-of-the-oven cinnamon rolls!

And when the party was over...

...the real party began. ;)

It was quite a successful party in Candy Land!

Believe it or not... these pictures were just the tip of the iceberg! To see more details... visit Jessica's Party Love blog!

...stay tuned! I will give a short tutorial on how to make a gumball wreath (perfect for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and any "candy" themed party!)


  1. holyyyyy cow, this is awesome!!! im getting so many ideas!! cutest party ever!

  2. Amazing! What a lucky little girl. I can see all the hard work that went into that party. What are you going to do next year?

  3. Wow, what a sweet treat! LOL! Event is definately the right word. I can only imagine what Ella's sweet 16th will be like, or her wedding for that matter! I wish I could be so organized to pull off something like that!

  4. What a Sweet Birthday Extravaganza! That was truly incredible! Love all the details!

    Ella was a cute birthday girl :o)

    And how great to have all of you there.

    (As a dental hygienist, and mom to 2 daughters in dental school...adding the toothbrushes in the party favors...awesome idea! haha ...my sweet tooth was aching to take a bite in all the sweet treats!)

    Blessings & Aloha!

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