Wednesday, August 12, 2009

California Trip Part 2: Antique Store Tour

One of my favorite pastimes, as y'all very well know, is antique shopping. I lose my cotton pickin' marbles for it... and so does my mom. Which makes for a guaranteed antiquing adventure when I go to visit her in California.

Here are my findings:

1st stop: Old Glory General Store, 4344 Market St in Riverside, CA


...and my mom.

Oh, try to deny that you didn't watch Pee Wee's playhouse.
Furthermore, try to deny you didn't covet that red scooter.

I loved the backroom in the Old Glory General Store... it was filled with old books, typewriters and old postcards from all over. What a treat!

I will definitely go back!! Loved it! It was huge... and there was so much to look at. You could tell that the consignment dealers took pride in each of their spaces. Very impressed. I recommend this one if you like looking at a little bit of everything... vintage, antiques, homemade crafts, etc.

2nd stop: Vintage Flair, 3778 Elizabeth in Riverside, CA 92506

Hello!! It has a bicycle on the roof! And the Eiffel tower painted on the building.
Need I say more?

CUTE! It was a small shop but had plenty to see. It is a little off the beaten path down a side street, but was worth the trouble finding it. ;) As expected from the outside decor, it had mostly soft looking "romantic", "shabby" and "french country" type items and pieces. Fine by me! To some it up with one word: Pretty. Lots of pretties everywhere. And did I mention there is a bike on the roof??

3rd stop: Another "antique mall" in Riverside.
Not impressed, but I am not going to bad mouth another business owner via they will remain nameless.

Disappointing. You know the type... where you want to turn around and walk out the second you open the door... but someone sees you so you can't. You feel too bad. Like it's your fault the store has no visual appeal whatsoever and is filled with nick knack crap they couldn't sell at their yard sale. So they brought it here. And you feel guilty for this. So you stay. And browse. And walk one full, complete lap and wave a big thank you right out the door. And make a mental note never to come back.

4th stop: The Goodwill in Riverside

Findings: Always love a stop at the Goodwill! Unfortunately, we left empty handed. It is always a hit or miss for me. On a side note, the Riverside Goodwill was maintained exceptionally well... very organized and clean.

5th stop: In N Out. Enough said.


6th stop: Granny's Attic 28450 Felix Valdez in Temecula, CA

I didn't get to take any pictures inside... but there is a picture tour on their website.

This isn't exactly a "new" antique store for me. I've been coming here for years. Literally. This place is huge and has so much to see. There are a gazillion different booths... all with something different. And they have a little soda shop in back with just about every root beer imaginable. My kind of place. I would definitely recommend it to anyone traveling through the Temecula vicinity. (About an hour north of San Diego or so).

...and right next door is:

7th stop: Grandpa's Antique Depot, 28418 Felix Valdez in Temecula, CA

Again, no pictures inside, but a bunch on their website.

If you are going to stop in at Granny's... you might as well give Grandpa's a try, too. Although considerably smaller than Granny's... you can still find a good variety of booths. It is always worth a trip... since you can literally walk to it from Granny's.

8th stop : Treaures from the Attic,
24785 Washington Ave, Murrieta, CA

We went here the next day. It was sort of on a we were driving through Old Town Murrieta. They have a decent outdoor section. I'm sure you could find something whimsical and fun to put out on the patio or in the garden. Inside they have a variety of things... more antiques than anything else.

I am planning another visit out to California in early September (for the half marathon I regrettably signed myself up for. haha) and am hoping to talk someone into going to the Christmas Traditions store in Canoga Park with me. It is the year around holiday store... not just for Christmas. And, dear friends, September 1st is fair game to start decorating for fall. And, on top of that, I lose my marbles for Halloween. I don't want to go to this store; I NEED to. But it is almost a 3 hour drive. Ugh. Maybe I will just continue to browse their online shop. ;)

If anyone knows any good antique stores in Southern or Central California... or in South Texas, leave me a comment about it...I'd love to know! :)


  1. Hi Melissa,
    I just love the stores that fill you with anticipation as soon as you step foot in the's that kid in a candy shop feeling that makes you feel all giddy! The first couple look like they would give me that feeling!! It's so great when people take the time to create an environment that is just sheer joy to be in, and then you get to bring some of it home! I don't like the ones that don't put in any effort either. What's the point?

    Loved these CA posts, girl!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

  2. Well, you have me wanting to go antiquing with you, if only I lived a little closer to ya, **sigh** Maybe one day. And thanks for the link to Christmas Traditions, I'm making a Wish List for all the Halloween goodies!! LOL!!!
    I did want to make a comment about each of the cute outfits you had one. Both of them are adorable ~ they look great on you!!! Did you make them?
    Well, off to look at some of your other post...

  3. My brothers loved Pee Wee; I was too cool in jr. high, but I do know that "there's no basement in the Alamo!!"

    Looks like fun!I'm hoping for an overnighter just to get away in September- all 45 mins north to Gilroy Outlets! :)

  4. What great shops. We don't have any of these wonderful places that I've found in Az., but I know there must be some somewhere. Glad you had a fun trip. Hugs Marty

  5. I love this post sooo much. Thes photos are fabulous! You look great. The stores look amazing. I miss antiguing! miss it soooo much.

    Did you get your little pressie yet?
