Friday, July 10, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday: Foyer

This week Kelly's Korner is showing off foyers and entryways...

We really don't have a very defined foyer... when you walk through the door... you pretty much see an open concept design with the dining room and living room. Take a look for yourself.

You entered through this door... (this is the inside, looks the same as the outside. ;D)

Upon entering you see this:

And this:

But not before you see this, directly to your right.

I have a "half table" with a yellow watering can and some flowers....and a few picture frames.

And a collection of red barn stars... some with scrolls...some without.

Looking back at the foyer from the living room:

Ok, so you saw my wonky curtain. haha Believe it or not... I made it that way on purpose.

I hated having that window open without a treatment... does anyone else get 300 solicitors per day?? And I'm not about to open the door to some strange man when I'm home alone...I've seen Forensic Files... I know the outcome can potentially be dangerous. So some privacy curtains were needed... except for this:

My dogs sit at this window and look out into the front yard all day long... especially when we leave for an errand...they watch and wait for us to return. This is our ONLY window to see out to the front of the house (besides a few bedroom windows)... and I just felt awful closing off their window. So I compromised... haha...and made the wonky curtain. It works for the few remaining months we have in this house until we move again. (Got to love military life).

We do have another friend that lives on our porch. If you look right out of the big arched window above the door...

You see this mama bird and her nest of babies. :)

Well, I wish I had more to show you... but this is our foyer...

Click on the pictures below to see other tours of my home:

The Master Bedroom:

The Master Bathroom:

The Office:

The Laundry Room:

Hope y'all enjoyed your tour! Also, if you are interested in seeing my progress on my Disneyland Half Marathon training... and inspiration board... I just wrote a new post on my other blog Melissaisms. Click on the inspiration board below to view post. :)

Happy Friday...and have a weekend full of summer fun!


  1. Love your entry... I am a fan of primitive stars too! My entry has some. It all looks great!

  2. Melissa- those sidelight windows can be such a pain! We had two tiny ones in the last house, but smart hubby found a way to make some rods! You've made yours look just adorable! (the dogs help, too!)

  3. Oh I love your home. The open and airy concept is just wonderful. Love your colors too with lots of red. The entry looks very warm and inviting. I LOVE the wonky curtain. Perfect for your precious pets. Hugs, Marty

  4. Love those arches!! Looks great!

  5. So bright & crisp & pretty. Love the archways ... lovely & warm. TTFN ~ Marydon

  6. your place looks bright and delightful :o)

    We have the sidelights on both sides of our door... I feel the same, so we bought some beautiful stained glass sidelights that hang perfectly (being a military-moving family, I had them done to hang so we can use them whereever we live. (And I totally get the purpose of the length of your curtain... have to have that view accessible :o)

  7. Love how wide open everything is. I love your stars. Your entry way is very welcoming. There's nothing better than doggies waiting at the door. :)

  8. Thanks for the house tour! I'm so nosey, I love getting a sneak peek into peoples homes. I love the aprons. I want to make one!

  9. Oh. My. Gosh. I almost done even know how to put into words how much I love your blog :) I just stumbled upon it. It's so awesome! I love how you write... it's so sweet and upbeat! And I love your decorating ideas--they're so inspiring and wonderful.
    I have a lot of things to get done today, but I have a feeling I will be sitting here checking out your blog instead :)
    By the way, I was wondering who designed your awesome blog? I'm guessing it's probably you since you are so creative!
    My husband is a pilot too! We live in Las Vegas and he flies for Southwest.
    Enough of my babbling.
    Again, I LOVE your blog :)

  10. Melisssa your foyer is wonderful!
    Love all the pretty red stars.

    Your doggies are truly about the cutest lil' things ever.

    Have a blessed day my friend.
    ~Melissa :)

  11. Thanks for the pictures. I like the tile in your foyer.

  12. Hi Melissa! What a pretty home you have. As pretty as it is, I must tell you, your little dogs steal the show! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Love the half table-now I need one.

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