Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Blog Hop Party... Favorite Photo

I am participating in the Blog Hop this week... which just so happens to be favorite photograph week. Well, I have three. But they are all related. My niece Ella loves airplanes... and that makes Auntie really proud. :)

1st... Ella and me at the airport... checking out the planes.
Totally didn't even know this picture was being taken at the time.

2nd... Ella trying on my headset. "Tower... this is Captain Ella..."

3rd... A little gift from Auntie. "Women in Aviation" coloring book.
The funny part is... this picture wasn't staged at all!
She immediately opened it up and acted like she was reading. haha

Those are three of my favorite pictures... my niece Ella... or should I say future pilot Ella. ;)

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. All three are adorable but I do love #3 because she seems totally engrossed in "reading"! Great pics!

  2. Love all of these photos!! So cute!

  3. Adorable #3 is my favorite, too. TTFN ~ Marydon

  4. i totally forgot about the second pic! so cute!

  5. I love the rolls on her little arms!!!

  6. What a cutie! I love the first picture of the two of you looking at the planes, and the third one is adorable, but the second one is my favorite. We have a picture of our precious Cait with great big headphones on and it's one of my favorites. Cute post. Kathy

  7. Very sweet pictures.
    Happy blog hoppin'

  8. You have a pink headset? Oh my gosh - my husband needs to find me some of those!

    What a little cutie she is!!

  9. What a sweet pic... Love your blog!!!


  10. How precious, and how great that the 3 pictures are all about airplanes. laurie

  11. Fun sweet memories-love the pink headset as well.
    July GIVE AWAY all month
