Friday, June 26, 2009

Flaunt Your Red: The Red Cruiser

It was such a nice night tonight... that we decided to go for a bike ride through the neighborhood.

And I thought tonight would be a great time to flaunt my red bike for Flaunt Your Red Friday, hosted by Southern Lady! :)

Here she is... in all of her RED glory!

Here I am in my red shirt!

Uh-Oh! I found some more red!

Cruisin' along so fast... I'm just a blur. ;)

That's because I'm powered by Dr. Pepper.
Yeah. I pretty much negated every burned calorie (and probably added some) but I must admit, it was delicious. ;) (Side note: had I really been exercising, I would have had water. A leisurely cruise deserves a Dr. Pepper. There. I'm justified.)

Here is hubby flaunting his red bike, too. It was an action shot taken while in action... hence, the blurriness. ;)

I stopped to take this shot... there is some pinkish-red in there, right? OK, maybe more pink, but it was definitely a pretty sunset. :)

And that is all the flaunting I will do for tonight! I hope y'all had as lovely of an evening as we did here on the prairie! :)


  1. Cute post! I love the red bike!!

  2. Melissa! You are so cute on your red cruiser!!

  3. What an adorable couple all decked in red ... LOVE that gorgeous sunset. Have a super weekend.

    TTFN ~Marydon

  4. The bike fits you perfectly.

  5. Great post. Love the red bikes, just too cute. Hugs, Marty

  6. Your red bike is darling...sooo you!!! It looks like you had a wonderful time!!! I am a Dr. Pepper addict!!! It will be the death of me...but what a way to go;)!!!


  7. Hi Melissa !
    Love that red bike and all the other red you found ! What a great thing to do with your spouse !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  8. Love the bike and you look like you were having a great time. So cute :)
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  9. Your bike is so cute! I'm in the market for a new bike and have been leaning towards a cute red one, but I don't want it to be -too- cute otherwise it will get stolen *L*

  10. Oh how fun! ;)

    I have the same red bike. I need to blow the dust off it and get going. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. Hi Melissa! What a cute post. I'm sold on your Dr. Pepper plan. :) Hey, we have a place that just opened here in Edmond, Oklahoma that sells Dublin Dr. Pepper in bottles. It's fun to get them cold. I'm going to post about it soon.

  12. what brand is your bike? It's adorable! Where did you get your cutie pie basket?

    You look so adorable on your bike. Happy Summer!
