Friday, June 26, 2009

Chalkboard DIY Project

It is Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch hosted by Susan. I have also linked this post up with the Crazy About Chalkboard party at The Shabby Chic Cottage!

DIY Chalkboard Project

This DIY chalkboard project is so easy...

1. Buy an unfinished mini chalkboard. You can find them here.
2. Paint any color and any design that suits your fancy.
3. Screw in "Screw Eyes" on tops of chalkboards. You can find them here.
4. Tie ribbons through the screw eyes and hang!

Super easy. You can use as many chalkboards as you want to spell out whatever you choose!


I painted both sides... so I have 8 different boards.
I decided I would figure out the possible combinations I could create with 4 boards painted on each side... creating 8 unique designs. I vaguely remember combinations and Pascal's Triangle from high school and college math. However, while trying to figure out the formula, I blew my mind. haha So my math wizard husband came to the rescue and concluded 502 possible combinations can be made. I checked his work and he was right. ;)
502. Pretty impressive, eh?

My vision was to write single letters on each chalkboard to spell a word. But who am I to dictate how you write on your chalkboard? The Prairie believes in freedom of chalkboard expression and supports however you decide to write on them. ;)

You can hang some in the laundry room:

Or the kitchen:

Scratch that.

That is more like it!

Or anywhere your heart desires...
I enjoy thinking up four letter words (nice ones!)... it helps keep the ol' noodle sharp. And any word combination/spelling exercise that helps me keep the advantage when playing Scrabble with the hubby, is welcomed by me. ;)

I hope you enjoy making your chalkboards as much as I did!
Don't forget to check out all of the other chalkboard creations at The Shabby Chic Cottage! And, as always, go see the oh-so-fabulous makeovers at Between Naps on the Porch!


  1. I love this!!!!!! I've been wanting to put Luka's name on his bedroom wall....this is how I'm going to do it.....with a Lightning McQueen theme of course ;)

  2. Hello Melissa Marie - very, very creative chalkboards! Love the idea. Thank you so much for the great inspiration!

    Blessings & HUGS (there's 4-letter word for ya!)

  3. I can see you'll be using your share of FOUR letter words!!! LOL.......cute, cute, cute!

  4. Very cute and very fun and oh so colorful!
    Great Blog!

  5. What a cute idea! Love it!
    BE a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. What a cute idea and what a wonderful idea for an inexpensive gift! I thinks kids and adults would both love these. Thanks for sharing these!

  7. I love this little project! I think i'll do this with my niece when she comes to visit this summer! Thanks... Stop by my blog for my 100th post giveaway if you get a chance!
    Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  8. Well this is as cute as can be! I've purchased my chalkboard paint, but haven't picked something to try it out on. I'm inspired. This is great!

  9. What a fun take on chalkboards! I love that you can mix and match them and display them in different ways. Too much fun...

  10. Melissa...these are adorable! Awesome idea! I just added your Great Amercian Town Tour button to my sidebar. :-) Susan

  11. These are so adorable! I think I am going to make some for my breakfast nook.


  12. What a great idea! The possibilities are endless. Thanks for the inspiration!
