Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bake-Off Contest: Mama Owl and Her Owlettes

Fire up the oven! Its a Bake-off!!! :)

When I first saw that Summer's Cakes blog was having a bake-off contest I lost my cotton pickin' marbles! How fun is that? So... I thought about it... and thought about it... and I chose something a little different than normal for me(... but I suppose normal probably wouldn't be an adjective used to describe me, haha... so I guess that is a moot point). For some reason I am really into owls right now... perhaps it is my love for Halloween and the fact that both Hobby Lobby and Michaels have already started putting up their fall stuff. I'm seriously like a kid in a candy store when Halloween is put on the shelves (especially with SpookyTown displays at Michaels!) Accordingly, I decided to follow my inspiration: Mama Owl and her Owlettes will be my entry. Without further ado.... The Owl Family!

Mama and her babies are all a delicious German Chocolate cake...

The babies are cupcakes iced with a fudge frosting... their eyes are Oreos and their pupils are junior mints. They have a waffle cone nose.

Mama is quite a bit more complex.

She has 4 layers of German chocolate cake, iced with a fudge frosting. Her stomach is iced with a Coconut Pecan icing and covered with sliced almonds. Her wings and back feathers are made out of hand-shaved Hershey's chocolate. Her eyes are made out of a baked pineapple rings and her pupils are Junior Mints. She, too, has the family waffle cone nose. ;)

I created a nest-like twig setting out of Pretzel rods... and recreated some leaves with green wedge gumdrops.

So that is my entry!! I had a hoot making it!... pun intended. ;)
Check out all of the other fun and fabulous entries at Summer's Cakes!!


  1. Too, too, too cute!! How very creative you are!!
    I haven't looked at the others but these look like they should win to me!! I love owls, too...actually almost any kind of bird...except maybe buzzards, but I know even they serve a purpose!!

    Happee Saturday!

  2. Holy cow, this is fabulous! What a cute idea =)

  3. That is fantastic! I stopped by tonight to see if there was any new info on the Hometown Tour and saw this post. I'm headed over to see the other entries. But, girl, you have this contest won!!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That is so creative, I love it!

  6. Holy Macaroni - this is awesome!! You should definitely win!! These owls are adorable, and who in their right mind doesn't love German Choco Cake?!
    ~angela @ peonypatch

    ps-I'm right there with ya about HL already having Fall decor!!

  7. congrats on winning second place! i have a great gift for you. you did a fab job. FABULOUS!!! please email me your mailing address, so that I can get your present to you. thanks!
