Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today's Thrifty Treasures

This weekend one of the Goodwill stores in our area was having another 50% off the entire store sale. I saw the sign as we drove by... and, well, naturally we had to stop in. ;) I have never seen the Goodwill so crowded in my entire life... the front parking lot was full... so we pulled around to the overflow lot at the back of the store...and got the LAST parking spot.

As you can imagine... it looked like a Walmart on Christmas Eve... or a grocery store the day before Thanksgiving. Accordingly, I wasn't expecting to find much. Strolling in at noon on the Saturday of the 50% off sale isn't exactly asking for much more than an examination of the damage of the store with full certainty that all the good items have already been picked through. And, for the sake of my husband, I was going to make this "scan" of the store quick. ;)

I did, however, find some dishes.

Give me a break, I'm a sucker for all things "Texas". ;)

And I found these delightful vintage pink plates with white trees and birds.

I thought they were too cute... and being 50% off, I didn't have a reason not to get them. Or at least that is what I told my husband. ;)

I got all of these dishes....

...for less than $10. And then I fled that Goodwill faster than Flo Jo in the 100 meter dash with the little of my sanity that was left.

Now go check out all of the other thrifty goodness at Today's Thrifty Treasures at Rhoda's Southern Hospitality.


  1. Wow, what an incredible deal you got on all of those dishes! It's amazing they were still there when you got there--it was meant to be!

  2. My thrift store had a 75% off sale yesterday.
    I didn't go but I can imagine the chaos and confusion there! Glad there was something left for you!

    Love the vintage pink plates!

  3. If I lived in Texas , I'd buy those dishes too !
    Great job ! It is always fun to go to GW....I try not to look in other peoples carts..cuz I don't want what they got....LOL !
    Hug ~ Kammy

  4. I've been to those 50% off sales at various thrift stores. Everyone clawing to get the last cart sent my adrenaline rushing. (I got It!) Love the plates, those are also perfect for the upcoming 4th holiday!

  5. Love your finds! I hope to run into a %50 off sale at goodwill, I would have so much fun! Those plates with the birdies are awesome!

  6. I would have grabbed those treasures too!

  7. Oh, I so love both sets of your dishes. The pink with the flowers are so pretty and dainty looking. The red and blue with the stars are just perfect for the 4th. You found some real treasures. Hugs, Marty

  8. Nice score on the pretty dishes. Not sure if my Good Will has a sale day but I will ask the next time I go in.

  9. Those are all cute things!! Hope you eat off the TX dishes for the 4th of July.

  10. Well, you lucky ducky!! Wish our GW had sales like that ... beautiful dishes & in time for the 4th. TTFN ~ Marydon

  11. Great finds girl... I do love the dishes with the little trees and cute. Gotta love the extra 50% off, can't beat that with a stick! xoxo~Kathy@ Sweet Up-North mornings...

  12. Fabulous finds! Love the plates! Both sets! The RW&B is perfect for the 4th!

    Thanks for sharing!


  13. I'm jealous of the Texas dishes. My chances of finding them here are zilch!

  14. Those are some great dishes, and even greater that they were half off! I have never seen one of our GW's have a half off sale. I am soooo jealous!
    I hope you enjoy the dishes.
    p.s. I am having my first giveaway, so stop by if you would like!

  15. I don't know if I could handle a crowd like that!! Kudo's to you!! I love your 4th of July stuff~seems that would have ben bought up first!!

    Have a great week, Melissa Marie!! :-)


  16. Wow! Great finds! I like the Texas dishes!

  17. I love all the dishes. Great find!!! Great deal!

  18. Howdy, love the Texas dishes. I found some similar at a small resale store here a few weeks back. It was a full service for 8 for only $13. I was in there browsing and the owner found this set in one of the booths and it was still boxed and covered up. She was putting them out when I was there. Being a Texan, my heart flip flopped, but I didn't buy them because I didn't want that many. There were DP, salad plates, cups, saucers, two sizes of bowls---it was a huge set.

    I went home and thought about it and headed back the next day. I was going to pay the $13 and let her keep half of it. They were gone! What was I thinking about by NOT buying them!!!!!

  19. I love Goodwill, great finds! :O)

  20. WOWIE- Texas flag dishes!!! I think they are a hoot.... Love them. Our GW never has much. Treasures are few and far between. You did good, girl. Sue

  21. Love your Texas dishes. Great finds!!

  22. The biggest sale my GW has is 35% off everything and those days (I hear) are packed. Unfortunately they always fall on a Wed. and that's one of my babysitting days!! DRATS!! Anyway you were lucky to find the star dishes so close to July 4th! Great finds.

  23. HI there! Just found your blog as I was seeing who else participated in Rhoda's party today. Your blog is so stinkin' cute! Love the Texas plates. I wish I had found your blog earlier...I'd have a blast taking pictures for the Great American Town Tour. :)

  24. You got some great dishes! and at a great price!

  25. Emptynester sent me over, and I'm so glad she did. Your blog is so cute, and I love your dishes from GW! Yep, I agree, there was no reason NOT to et them at that price! laurie

  26. I've never know our GW to have a 50 percent off sale. Hmmmm! I'll have to check. Anyway, love the red/white and blue dishes. Those will be fantastic for the 4th and for picnics.

  27. Melissa,
    I love all your GW finds! Those Texas plates are too cute and you can use them in so many ways. I am looking forward to your Great American Home Tour event!
