Thursday, June 25, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday: Master Bedroom

Today is Show Us Where You Live Friday... hosted by Kelly at Kelly's Korner. This week is Master bedrooms. I like to consider my master bedroom "simple"... which may be an euphemism for "mildly neglected". ;) We started our black and white (or, more specifically, cream) theme when we first got married last September. Since neither one of us owned anything black or white (or at least the look we were trying to achieve)... we have SLOWLY been accumulating a few decor items here and there. Again, we will be moving by the end of the year and are waiting until we move into our next house before we really lose our marbles in the decorating department. ;) This is what we have so far:

Peeking in through the hall door.

Coming in a little further and looking to the left...

Our bed...
The bedspread was from Target.
I LOVED this Waverly print.
We accented with red (Or, I should say, we started to accent with red)... red lamp shades and red suede pillows. More pillows to come later on.

We have two end tables... with a cream color skirt.
And, of course, my trusty bedside Bible.

On the left wall, we have a large black writing table with an old antique window.
The chair is desperately in need of a makeover. I'm thinking I will paint it black and shabby it up a little bit. I'll put that on my to-do list.

This is where all of the sewing experiments magic happens. I have a craft/guest room but for some reason, I love to sew in here instead. Plenty of space to cut out fabric and such.On my writing table I have a lamp, flowers, flower pens in a Terra Cotta pot (that I took as a favor from my bridal shower) and a picture of my family (who all live in CA and I miss very much).

From the desk and bed looking forward, we have two old dressers...

This dresser is also "mid-makeover". I am going to be decoupaging a scroll print on the drawers and changing out the hardware. More to follow on that in a later post.

We have several engagement and wedding pictures up in our room. We decided we would spare our guests from having to see wedding pics all over our living room. haha (Although they will have to stomach a few in the living room...)

The second dresser is a creamy white, old, old thing.
I'm thinking about giving it a fresh coat of paint and maybe changing out the hardware, too...

On top of the dresser are a few more pics and a perfume tray.

The door on the left goes to the master bathroom and the door on the right goes to the walk-in-closet.Further right...

In between the walk-in-closet and the main door, I have a full length mirror, a shelf and two pictures.

The shelf.

The picture.
A word of advice for you single girls out there: Do not do what I did and declare that you will never get married. haha You will need a shoehorn to get your foot out of your mouth when you actually do. ;) As I was approaching my mid to late twenties (and had always figured that I would be married by 21- at the very latest) and still single, I decided my fate was the nunnery; hell would freeze before I found someone that met my "standard" of a marriage worthy man. My sister (also my maid of honor) had this newspaper made as a wedding gift... very fitting.
Thanks Emily. ;)

Looking back... we have simple black window treatments.

One of my favorite features of the room is the ceiling.

And that concludes my tour of my "work in progress" master bedroom. ;)
For more Master Bedroom Tours, be sure to stop by Kelly's Korner blog for Show Us Where You Live Friday!


  1. I think that it looks great! If you call that simple or mildly neglected, I sure as heck don't want to post mine. ACK.

    I really like your said Target??

  2. I really like your master bedroom! Very nice...

  3. How pretty Melissa!

    Your bedding is amazing. Accented with red it's even more stunning. I adore all the designs of your photo frames too.

    I do agree with your philosophy. Things do tend to happen when we least expect them don't they?

    Blessings to you. ~Melissa :)

  4. Looks Great! love the bedspread and the long mirror!

  5. Such a pretty decor! I love everything about it..all of the accessories and this bedding is a fave! Thanks for sharing :) Amber

  6. I love your master bedroom! The bedding and curtains are too cute!

  7. love the black and the white dressers they work so well together

    happy house touring


  8. Your bedroom is really pretty. I LOVE the headline. That's so cute. :)

  9. I love the bedding...I beginning to think we really need Target to come to Canada !!

    Thanks for sharing !

  10. I love your bedding . . . so crisp and clean!

  11. I love your bedroom!! So pretty!! Your bedding is gorgeous and I love the red accents!!

  12. I think it looks quite nice, not neglected at all. The newspaper story is so funny!

  13. Ha! We do have very similar taste! Hobby Lobby and Target ~ got to love them. So glad that we can be blog friends now. We have to cause I think we are going to get along great. :)

  14. I love the black and white, its simple but so elegant. You have great taste! Thanks for sharing !

  15. Very clean and calming... I think you should paint the chair red! :)

    Your blog is darling! And I see your a student pilot. My husband always says women make the best pilots, really!

  16. I love your contrasting paint with the red accents! Very cute!! And, I LOVE black furniture!

  17. I love the look. I would love to do a black, white and red room. Heck I'm almost there. I just need a lovely bedspread like yours and I've got it. **rushes off to beg hubs**

  18. lovely room... great bedding and lots of space. The black and white theme seems to be very popular.

  19. Gorgeous! I love that black and white. Love the black furniture too. You could paint your chair red if you wanted a little more red. I painted one in my master red and I love it!

  20. I like that Waverly print, too! The newspaper is hilarious!
