Friday, April 11, 2008

Pleased as Punch

Things I lose my Cotton Pickin' Marbles For...

(Picture Credit:

New Thrifty Treasures!

Look what I found at the Goodwill...for only $6 total!
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Cloche Party!

Cloche is French for bell. Which makes a lot of sense as the dictionary defines it as:

1. a woman's close-fitting hat with a deep, bell-shaped crown and often a narrow, turned-down brim.
2. a bell-shaped glass cover placed over a plant to protect it from frost and to force its growth.
3. a bell-shaped metal or glass cover placed over a plate to keep food warm or fresh.

A Taste of France in Texas

So the story goes...Texas boy falls in love with French girl during WWII. He marries her and brings her back to the states. Boy, oh boy... I can only imagine her hopes for the excitement of New York City or glamour of Hollywood. Nope. She was brought back to smack dab in the middle of South Texas! HAHA! Welcome home! ;)

Mosaic Monday: Red & Aqua Retro Kitchen

Welcome to my first Mosaic Monday...hosted by Little Red House.
I lose my marbles for vintage kitchens... and (WARNING! Big shocker about to be revealed!!) I particularly lose my marbles for RED retro kitchens! :D I can't help but think that aqua is the perfect combination with red... it is fresh, fun and completely vintagey.

Fruit and Vegetable Bouquets

Welcome to my first Mosaic Monday...hosted by Little Red House.
My mosaic is a combination of fruit and vegetable bouquets...
who says you can only use flowers? ;)

More Please!

Apparently Dolly had a delicious breakfast... because she insisted on seconds. She found me in another room with her bowl in her mouth... the first time she has ever done this...

A Label is Worth a Thousand Words!

I absolutely love produce crate labels!! Talk about not making things like they used to! While I certainly do not consider myself to be a collector, I do enjoy taking in the beauty of these delightful pieces of art! A wall in my kitchen is proudly dedicated to these displays of colorful history.
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