Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pie Pops!

So have y'all seen these new Pie Pops??
I originally saw them on Luxirare and lost my marbles for them!
I just had to give them a try!

The Pie Pop

I made my own pie crust...(because it is so much easier than a trip to the store).

Crust Recipe:

1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp milk
2/3 cup oil

Mix into a giant dough ball.

And roll it out nice and thin.

Cut circles out of the dough with a round cookie cutter or biscuit cutter. OR if you are like me and sometimes have to Macgyver it up in the kitchen because you don't have a biscuit cutter... you can cut the dough with the top of an empty canned good tin. Green beans, corn, crushed pineapple... they all work the same. ;)

Place the circle cut outs on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Place the stick half way onto the dough.

Scoop some pie filling onto the dough. The picture above has a little too much. You really can only fill them with just a small amount of filling. I obviously used cherry, but you can use any filling your heart desires. ;)

Cover the filling with a second dough circle and crimp the dough closed with the end of a free lollipop stick.

Then cover the sticks with foil.
(It may be easier to wrap them in foil first... I will try that next time.)

Next, brush on egg white over the outside of the pie pop.

And put them in the oven for 12-15 minutes at 375 degrees.

And you have Pie Pops!

Wrap them up and tie them with a bow!
Perfect presentation to give to a friend or neighbor.
Or to pack in a them on the go. I'd love to see my husband's co-workers' faces when he pulls a pie pop out of his lunch at work. haha. I would pay good money to see that.
He is such a good sport. :)

I'll let you know how that one goes over. ;)

My sister asked, "Who eats pie on the go?!"
... to which I responded,
"Who has ever had the option?!".
Now you do! ;)

I am the kind of person that LOVES sweets! But I don't like a whole lot of any one thing. Nothing poses a bigger dilemma than dessert after Thanksgiving. (Well maybe the only bigger dilemma is standing in front of the donut counter and having to choose two one donut.)
There is a table full of pies: Pumpkin pie, Apple Pie, Cherry Pie, Pecan Pie... the list goes on!

My dilemma: I have to CHOOSE just one?? Surely after Thanksgiving dinner I don't have the room to eat more than one piece... but what I wouldn't give to take those pies behind closed doors, pull out my fork and sample them all! I don't want one, I want a sampler!! A bite or two of each!
Which really has the wheels in my head turning... I think Pie Pops may make an appearance at Thanksgiving this year. (Maybe some without the stick)... so you don't look like a beastly monster eating more than one! In fact, eating more than one is the whole point! I encourage it. Sample them all!

Which brings me to a semi-unrelated point. Why don't restaurants have a dessert sampler!? This really bothers me. No, I do not want the whole chocolate lava volcano explosion. I just want a bite or two... and a bite or two of the apple crisp... and of the chocolate brownie with caramel sauce...and a bite or two of the...

I need to start a petition. Long live the dessert sampler!


  1. I LOVE this idea, and am definitely going to have to make some!! Your hubby is too cute standing there with his "POPS"!! You will probably have many requests for more, and they'll all think, "Why doesn't my wife do stuff like this?"!! HA!!

    Girl, you crack me up!! The dessert sampler is a great idea for sure. I do not have a sweet tooth at all. I would usually just want a little more of dinner and maybe only one bite of dessert of any kind. Hubby loves that because he gets the rest!!

    Well, we're off to the beach this morning!! Hope your day is just peachy!!

  2. Seriously!...that is the coolest thing I've ever seen!! And it looks so easy! YUM YUM YUM!!!!

  3. Those are just so cute! A bit too much crust for the filling for me, probably, tho.

    Your comment on Thanksgiving pies reminded me of something . . . In my family growing up we had a (Southern style) large variety of pies on Thanksgiving. Pumpkin was of course center, but we also had apple, mince, pecan, chess, cherry, & who knows what all.

    Not long after i moved to California & didn't know anyone i attended a potluck at my church for Thanksgiving. Knowing a lot of people would bring pumpkin, i chose to make an apple pie. Standing in line i heard two older ladies behind me talking.

    One said, "Apple pie at a Thanksgiving feast? Who brings an apple pie for Thanksgiving?"

    The other said, in a tone of disgust, "Oh, this is California. They do whatever they want for the holidays!"

    I was young & shy, but always have wished i'd turned around & asked these ladies where they were from!

  4. These are adorable. I love the pic of your husband holding one, did he do that willingly haha?! Cute. I love putting treats in my husband's lunch, I just wish I could see the other peoples' expressions when he pulls them out. Like my heart cup cakes or decorated sugar cookies haha! They love it though!

  5. Oh my word girl how creative you are. I love those pie pops I have to try. I came over to see your tablescape and I just can't leave. Your blog is so adorable and creative! o loved the candyland party. Have you thought of making a mosaic of all the photo's? I am having a gift a way at my blog. I would love for you to enter. The prize is a framed photo of your mosaic. Come on over and check it out. Back to the trail and reading more of your blog.

  6. These are soo cool and look yummy!

    BTW, I just love your blog!


  7. How cute is this pie Melissa? Love it!

    How are you doing lately my friend?
    I hope all is well and you are enjoying your Summer. Stop by my blog sometime!

    Have a blessed week.
    ~Warmly, Melissa :)

  8. What a very cute and smart idea :o)

    & How fun to have a variety to try out!
