Friday, August 14, 2009

Blogging for Bliss Book Review

A book review. By me. :)

Blogging for Bliss: Crafting Your Own Online Journal:
A Guide for Crafters, Artists & Creatives of all Kinds


Tara Frey

I couldn't wait to get my copy of this book! I had seen a few bloggers talking (writing?) about I went out and purchased it the first chance I had.

...And I'm so glad I did!!

A book like this was long overdue. It was high time that the "creative" community of blogging got some recognition. ;)

Blogging opens up a world of communication to people you would otherwise never have a chance to talk to. And somehow, the fact that you "follow" someone's blog automatically makes you friends. That's how it works in Blogland. ;)

So I was so excited to see some of my "friends" featured in the book!

(OK, side note: my "friends" probably don't even know who I am... but that's not the point. haha Would it be more appropriate to call myself a fan? I think not. A fan sounds kind of crazy schoolgirl-ish. OK, a one-way blog friend? Is that more appropriate? Are you happy now? ;) )

The Farm Chicks! Who doesn't just LOVE these gals?


All throughout the book, it highlights different bloggers and gives a synopsis of their blog or their story into blogging. At the end, they list a few of their favorite blogs. I love finding new blogs that I have never seen's like a great treasure hunt! A few that I looked up from the book:

All Sorts ...look at those colors! Now THAT is my kind of blog!


Happy Loves Rosie... another darling blog!

...among so many others!

Aside from highlighting specific bloggers...this book gives you a step by step tutorial on blogging.

From signing up for a blog and choosing it's name... editing photos in PhotoShop.

And every detail in between.

Tara Frey breaks it down for the technically unsavvy in an easy to read, easy to understand format. Whether you are completely new to blogging or have been blogging for a while, you will learn something new from this book.

At this point you have no excuse not to blog. I mean, everybody's doing it.
Try it; you might like it. ;)
And if you don't, at least you will have a really cute book with a lot of fabulous pictures. :)

Ladies and gentlemen... this is just a fabulous book!
I have bestowed upon it the Huckleberry Prairie seal of approval!

Now go get yourself a copy! It is On Sale Now!


  1. Great, another book to add to my Wish List!! LOL!! Really, thanks for the review. Creating a wonderful blog is something I have been wanting to do and it looks like this book will get me there. Thanks for sharing. And yes, following=friends in my book too!!

  2. Thanks for the head's up! It looks like a fantastic book. And hey... we bloggers deserve some recognition!!


  3. It looks beautiful! I have to ask, would you say that the content is mostly highlighting popular blogs, or is a good deal of it helpful to those of us who aren't famous? ;) I feel like I could explore the www for *free* to check out blogs with loads of followers instead of paying $ to read a couple of pages about them in a book. If it actually has some helpful ideas in it, I may just run to Borders this weekend! :)

  4. YOU are a FRIEND.

    I'm so happy that you are enjoying Tara's book!

    Dear Daisy Cottage
