Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tablescape Thursday: Old Time 4th of July

Welcome to Tablescape Thursday on the Prairie!
As always, this party is graciously hosted by the queen of tablescapes (and porches!) Susan from Between Naps on the Porch!

This week, I thought it would only be appropriate to create an All-American 4th of July table... and what is more American than a hot dog?? ;) Accordingly, I created a "hot dog" buffet and incorporated it (along with a few other treats) into my tablescape.

"Old Time 4th of July"

Here is a bird's eye view of the table and hot dog toppings...

For all of you hot dog lovers out there we have: chili, onions, cheese, sauerkraut, relish, coleslaw, BBQ sauce, ketchup and mustard. That is as crazy as I got. (I know some people get much crazier with jalapenos, pineapple and such... but I just stuck with the basics.)

Of course the bottles were good ol' fashioned plain colors...

Did you get a glimpse of those fine hot dogs rolling away in the background??

Here is a better look...

People probably look at that the hot dog roller in the store and wonder who the heck buys it.
haha...answer: THIS GIRL. ;)
It was actually a Christmas gift from my sister... and lets just put it this way... she knows me a little too well. ;) And in case you were wondering... YES, it works delightfully!

If you are going to have a hot dog buffet... it is a good idea to have some hot dog trays! ;)

I used simple red sectioned plates and hot dog trays. My Americana silverware made another appearance for the 4th of July festivities!

In addition to hot dogs, we had cake french fries (lemon, yellow or pound cake works very well) and some cupcake corn on the cobs!

So easy to make... just bake some yellow colored cake mix (I used lemon)... ice them up (again, I used lemon) and place yellow jelly beans on top to make it look like corn kernels. Put two corn holders on the ends... and you've got yourself corn on the cob cupcakes!

I used Coke glasses... with licorice straws... to sip out Cherry Kool-aid.
If Kool-aid doesn't equal childhood summer, I don't know what does! I garnished the glass with a strawberry for some extra red flair. ;)

On the topic of strawberries... I also had Strawberries and Cool Whip in my new Texas Star dishes (that I got 50% at the GW!). See that post here.

A look across the table...

I used my Warren Kimble American Flag pitcher for the Kool-aid.
I filled up some popcorn bags with popcorn and kettle corn... and place American flags in them.
I also had some old-fashioned looking Cracker Jack boxes that fit in nicely. In addition, I have a diner napkin holder, straw holder and some extra flags.
All of this is set on a Warren Kimble flag serving tray.

A little closer... just in case you wanted to smell the popcorn. ;)

And on to the other side of the table...

I made some Cotton Candy Cones...

...And set them up in small jars filled with jelly beans... and tied with patriotic ribbon.
There were a star spangled bowl of BBQ flavored chips as well. ;)

Next to the Cotton Candy Cones, was an old-fashioned Gumball Machine.

I suppose I forgot to mention... I used a blue and white gingham table cloth.

And another look around the Old-Fashioned 4th of July table!

Hope y'all enjoyed my interpretation of a good ol' fashioned 4th of July celebration.
If you like Patriotic Tablescapes...
you may also enjoy my Memorial Day "Old Glory" Tablescape.

Or my Patriotic "Vintage Aviation" tablescape...
saluting all of the great American pilots of our country!

For more inspiring tablescapes... check out Between Naps on the Porch!! :)

If you haven't already visited... The Great American Town Tour started today and will be going through the 4th of July! If you would like to participate... its not too late!! Just have your town tour linked up by midnight on July 4th. Don't forget to check back and see all of the new towns added to the tour! :) For Town Tour details... click here.
To see the Great American Town Tour... click here.


  1. OH Melissa this is about the greatest looking fourth table I have ever seen...and girl those cup cake corn how cleaver are you...I just love coming here and seeing all the most wonderful things that you can do...loved it all my friend...May you and yours have a safe and great Fourth...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. This is just the most awesome and fun table I have ever seen. I don't think you forgot a thing. I love everything!!!! The hot dog roller is tooooo cute, and the coke glasses, popcorn, candy corn, cracker jacks and everything else is such a wonderful idea. Just absolutely wonderful. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Hugs, Marty

  3. Melissa,

    This is a feast for young and old alike! You really have a flair for nostalgia!! I love everything! That hot dog roller is great. My son would flip out over something like that~he still loves his hotdogs!! The cupcakes on the cob are fab too! Gosh, I can't say what impressed me most! I guess I will say the WHOLE table. You have such enthusiasm for all of the things you shows, truly.

    Have a safe and wonderful 4th, sweet lady!


  4. HANDS DOWN you are the best this week .. that was awesome, creative, imaginative, colorful & absolutely darling. What a fantastic presentation! TTFN ~Marydon


    Melissa you are one amazing and talented tablescaper my friend. Now I want some cotton candy. Yummy!

    ~Happy 4th! ~Melissa :)

  6. Cute and clever patriotic table!! I love the cupcake corn!

    Happy 4th of July!

  7. What a clever girl you are. . .the whole table is so clever and fun, I bet you will have a great celebration on the 4th of July!

  8. You know I love a hot dog! Lots of very cool ideas here. Especially loved the cupcake corn on the cob. But the question of the day is, are you going to bacon wrap and deep fry any of those dogs? LOL!

  9. Okay Melissa... You win hands down with this scape!!! Those corn on the cob cupcakes!!! Oh MY GOODNESS, seriously cute, and the cotton candy cones! You gave me sooo many ideas for the 4th with the Grands! Way above and beyond the call of duty on this one!!! xoxo~Kathy@ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  10. This is absolutely the cutest table I've ever seen! I love everything about it.

  11. Well this is just the best! How clever this all is -- thanks for sharing so many fun ideas.

  12. Love it! The cotton candy cones were my favorite! Loads of ideas!
    All Things Heart and Home

  13. What a fun post... You always have fun posts! I was bummed that I missed your Town Tour party... then I saw that its not too late!??? My week got away from me and I really wanted to do it! I'll try and get photos and post them cause it looks like so much fun! Have a safe and happy 4th of July!
    ~Really Rainey~

  14. Melissa, You win the prize for the best 4th of July tablescape! That was just too fun! I will never scoff at a hot dog rolling machine again! Have a great 4th!

  15. Your tablescape is just spectacular, so creative! Everything is so cute like the hot dog roller! And corn on the cob and french fry cakes! love, love, love it! I hope you have a great 4th. :O) Mary @Boogieboard Cottage

  16. This is the absolute cutest thing I have ever seen. You have definitely out-done yourself. Luv it!!!!

  17. Ditto what everyone else said!! You are the best, girl!! What I want to know is where do you store it all??

  18. Well, let's just say that after this beautifully Americana table, we may be having hotdogs for the 4th as well! You can't get more "American and patriotic" than this table. Love the "corn on the cob." This hotdog buffet just made me smile and smile, girl! The licorice straws and everything!

  19. Fabulous hot dog tablescape! Those corn on the cob cupcakes are so clever! I'm lovin those Cracker Jack boxes! I waited a long time, but your last pictures didn't ever load for me, and I was so sorry I couldn't see them. Fun post. Have a wonderful weekend. laurie

  20. Your tablescape is SO adorable! If only mine could look like that on the 4th....

  21. You are so clever and creative. I'll have my dog with kraut & onions. Top it with mustard please~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  22. What a FUN post!! I'll take mine with chili and kraut! :) Happy 4th!

  23. Terrific Tables! The hot dog machine is fabulous, and I really like the cotton candy in a cone. You really used your talents for this tablescape so much fun to see. I am just sorry I can't hop on over and party at your house.

  24. Wow! What a fabulous tablescape!! Love those corn cupcakes, the pound cake fries, and cotton candy cones! Very creative! I enjoyed it all!



  25. Okay! This was totally fun!! I loved everything!! You were so creative! It doesn't hurt that I love hotdogs!!! The cupcake corn on the cobs were too cute!! Happy 4th!!!

  26. I love the hot dog cooker. Adorable tablescape. You are so creative. Happy 4th of July:)
