Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tablescape Thursday: Summer Orchard

Welcome Tablescape Thursday at Huckleberry Prairie! Tablescape Thursday is graciously hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch...make sure to check out all of the other glorious tablescapes from the other participants. :)

Getting into the spirit of summer... I am going with a dinner in a Summer Orchard setting...well, as good as I could capture "orchard" in my dining room. ;) Wouldn't it be so romantic to have a dinner for two in an orchard grove? (minus the bugs flying around and the mosquitoes biting you)

Dinner in a Summer Orchard

I started with a sage and cream gingham table cloth... this sucker wouldn't iron out for the life of it. ;)

And added some purple and peach to the color scheme with these fruit inspired dishes...

I started a "hope chest" when I began working at 16... these dishes were my very first addition to the chest. I thought they were the cutest thing and had to have them... envisioning my purple (periwinkle, to be more specific) kitchen with a fruit theme. Ha! Boy, does time change our taste in decorating. Nevertheless, the dishes are sentimental and I haven't had the heart to get rid of them. They are always fun to pull out every now and then... especially during summer. The pattern is festive and refreshing. ;)

I just used plain white napkins tied together with twine for a rustic orchard touch.
For the centerpiece, I used a glass pitcher/washbowl set to serve as a vase for purple flowers. I added some dried cream colored floral and wood potpourri to the bowl to also give it a rustic outdoorsy feeling.

And, of course, some feathered friends are always appreciated when you are having dinner in a summer orchard...
A bird's eye view...

Hope y'all enjoyed your stay in the prairie orchard. :)


  1. Whoa!! This is awesome ... so bright, bold, beautiful ... you did a lovely job. What's for dessert? TTFN ~Marydon

  2. Oh I really love your hope chest dishes. I would keep them forever. They are so cheery and pretty. YOur centerpiece is beautifully done and I love the white washbowl and pitcher. How cute to use the little black and white birds. Perfect. Hugs, Marty

  3. Love the napkins tied with clever. The flowers are so pretty and arranged perfectly in the pitcher. I bet the potpourri surrounding it really adds to the scent.

    Great job! Happy Tablescape Thursday@

  4. Hi Melissa,
    Love your table today.. I had a hope chest too when I was 16 , what fun !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  5. Your table is lovely! So very colorful and fun. I loved your centerpiece and the little birds. The napkins and flatware tied in the jute is great!

    Thank you for sharing!


  6. What a beautiful setting! You do such a great job with putting these together. Great inspiration. Thank you.

  7. Stunning casual tablesetting. LOVE, love, love the colors and the tree lit in the background is a special touch.


  8. Hi Melissa, your table is wonderful....such colorful and pretty dishes and the centerpiece is sooooo lovely.


  9. I love all the color's you used.
    Very pretty.

  10. Love your tables and enjoyed taking that sentimental journey with you. Isn't it fun that our tastes change otherwise we wouldn't be able to shop for more dishes. I love your table and your dishes. I could use that centerpiece for my table though. Can I borrow it? Thanks.

  11. Such a lovely sentimental table!

  12. Pretty, pretty table! Love the centerpiece the best... I'm a purple girl! LOL

  13. Oh, such romantic photos! I love the addition of purple. The lighting is great. You did a phenomenal job of setting this table.

  14. Melissa,

    This is a great theme for Tablescapes!! Your dishes are perfect. You know, some things never go out of style and I think that includes dishes with fruit on them. And they are great in the summer. I love your idea of the flowers in the pitcher and the potpourri in the basin!! And adding the birds and candles is a sweet touch!!

    Very pretty!!!

    Have a wonderful evening, Melissa!! :-)


  15. What a bright and cheery table. So pretty.
