Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday: Texas Scenery

My husband and I took a little drive down the road yesterday... to go to the "beach"...at least our version of it. Of course, I realized I had forgotten my camera after driving for 10 minutes (don't you hate when that happens?)... so I apologize for the poor quality photos... they are from my camera phone. ;)
Anyway, here is a little taste of South Texas. ;)

Down at the water... it was really windy and the water was quite choppy.

There was sunshine aplenty... so no complaints here. :)

As we were driving back... I saw the cutest thing... A line of cows with several baby calves walking single file to the watering hole. ;)

A little closer... can you see them all?

And now they are all at the watering hole!

Except for this one... it was still feasting on all of the greenery. ;)

I'm not sure why I enjoy watching cows (or any other animals for that matter) so much. I guess I never really grew out of it. ;)

Go check out all the other outdoor posts at Susan's A Southern Daydreamer...I assure you, you won't be disappointed! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday Melissa! I am happy you joined us! You took those pictures with your phone? They turned out great! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  3. I'm gonna have to agree with Susan..Great shots for a camera phone.. Wow wish mine looked that nice. Love the grazing cows.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. What beautiful pictures!!

    I've given you an award on my site.

  5. Your pictures turned out great Melissa! The water looks cold~that can't be right...

    The pics of the cows are great. I love looking out at fields with animals~it's just so peaceful.

    Have a great week! :-)


  6. Who Melissa - great camera phone pictures..I can't figure out how to get mine to the computer - so job well done !
    Hugs ! Kammy

  7. Great pictures with a camera phone.

    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!!

  8. I love photography ... IF I could only figure out how to use my phone camera ... I, too, love animals in fields & nearly every type of photo you took. TY for sharing. TTFN ~ Marydon

  9. I'm glad to know someone else enjoys watching cattle too! Your camera phone does a nice job... I never have the "nice" camera when I need it!

  10. Those photos are with a phone?? Which one OMgosh my phone pictures are horrific!

    I especially liked the second to the last one.

    Thanks for sharing... TTFN ~~Claudia

  11. Wow I'm suprised at how well your camera phone photos turned out too!
    I love to watch cows and other animals as well!! I have to admit when I see cows sometimes I like to MOO at them!!
    I don't know why??? ha ha!

    Have a nice day!!

  12. Your phone takes much better pictures than mine. Thanks for sharing the sites from your outing with us. Have a wonderful day.

  13. A couple of those pictures looked like paintings!
    What a wonderful drive you had...


  14. Those cows kind of look like a wagon train, all in line like that. South Texas, huh? I'm in East Texas.

  15. They're not poor quality shot at all. They still look beautiful with the blue sky and the waves of the beach. Oh must not forget the cows too :-)

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!

