Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spooky Town!

Yes, I know it is the middle of summer... but Fall is so close that I can almost taste it!! And you know what that means!! Halloween!!!! My favorite!

Did you see that they already put up Spooky Town in Michaels? Yeah, I'm like a kid in the candy store... I lose my marbles for it. I was a little disappointed with their 2009 collection this year... it was just ho-hum. I did, however, go straight to eBay when I got home to take a look and see if anyone was selling anything I might want need. Sure enough... I saw this haunted hayride for $8.00!! It sells for $29.99! ...and it was down to the final 3 minutes. I bid...and won! What a deal!

Without further ado... The Haunted Hayride!

Isn't it just a barrel of monkies! Yeehaw! I just love it.


  1. I am so with you girl! I am so thrilled for the fall festivities and halloween decor that will soon adore my home and shelves and tables etc. My kids love the haunted isle at Michaels w/ all the minitures! Love what you won! Roberts (craft store) already has some Christmas YES' Christmas decor up!

  2. I think I just realized it is summer! LOL!! Fall displays already??

    Love your spookie hayride!! I can't wait to see your halloween display!


  3. I love Halloween too! Its actually my favorite holiday... I love to decorate, but this year I have to tone it down cause last years my front door scared my grandkids! HaHa!
    I hope you have a fabulous week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  4. I just found your site because I searched "Huckleberry". I love it, your site is so cute. My youngest son's nickname is Huckleberry and I just wrote a kids book called "Huckleberry's Hiccups". You should check it out because the cover looks very Fall like. It has a beautiful orange color. It would accent all the pretty fall decorations you put up around your home. The website is

  5. Oh, I love this! I want one, too. :)


  6. I JUST found your blog and LOVE it! I have a HUGE Halloween/fall obsession. Haven't seen haunted hayride before.. Off to go hunt it down! Too cute!

