Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tablescape Thursday: Vintage Aviation

Today is Tablescape Thursday hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch!!

Get ready... we are about to take flight!! Here is your boarding pass...

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome aboard Prairie Airways, flight number 92708 en route to an Aviation Tablescape. In command of this blog is Captain Melissa... who will be giving you an aerial tour of the table. You are invited to sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.

Can you think of anything more romantic than a dinner for two AND airplanes?? Me neither! ;)

I started out with this vintage-WWII aviation pinup-inspired tablecloth...

...and used plain blue plates to neutralize the out-of-control red, white and blue patriotism and aviation frenzy going on at the table. ;) A simple red star-spangled napkin was place between plates. (Can't get enough red, right??)
Our "seat assignments"... glad I had my name on one! I was afraid I wasn't invited to dinner! ;) Oh wait! That's right.. I'm flying the blog right now. ;)

PS... I'm not THAT out of tablescape control to make up a boarding pass seat assignment just for this tablescape. haha ;) We have a template saved as we used boarding passes for seat assignments at our wedding reception. ;)

I've seen these before... Memorial day, perhaps? ;)

I busted out the wedding mugs... we had mason jars etched with our wedding "logo"... a fighter jet (which my husband flies) and a Cessna (which I fly) air-writing a heart around the state of Texas. Yeah, that pretty much sums both of us up. haha It also had our anniversary date and the location of our wedding. :) And lets not forget the fabric rag tied around the top!

Table, requesting fly-by.

I have a 3 part centerpiece:

In the middle... a vintage globe.
To the right... Mr. Charles Lindbergh

He is so patriotic with his American Flag!

For those of you with a weak stomach... look away! What you are about to see might shock you!!
Eeek! His head comes off!! In fact, his body used to hold McCormick Straight Bourbon Whiskey! See the old cork? Not sure the best way to commemorate a famous PILOT would be to put Whiskey inside his body. I can just hear the jokes now. ;)

On the left... is a vintage old airplane...

Pretend you didn't notice that rootbeer almost gone in the background... haha
Tablescaping can really work up a thirst! ;)

Of course, have to represent the hubby. Can't forget the Hornet... with the completely inaccurate blue jet with "Top Gun" written on the side. haha

And might as well use the hubby's jackets as props. ;)
His nice leather one.
And below is the green one that matches the flight suit.
Lets climb to a steady bird's eye view of the table...

If we bank left... we will see some more aviation decor...
We have to set the mood, right?
Texas flag bench + Airplanes = LOVE

If we bank right... we see Miss patriotic Henrietta hanging out in the lariat.

Thirsty? Grab a frosty soda from the Drink-O-Matic. ;)
On final approach...cleared to land 2-6 right.

I know you have many blogs to choose from and I thank you for taking the time to visit Huckleberry Prairie. Now enjoy the rest of your stay on the Prairie or wherever your blogland travels may take you. :)


  1. Very creative and unique! I love the vintage aviation theme. It looks fabulous and very patriotic.

  2. I love the tablecloth and all the aviation items especially Charles Lindbergh with his removable head:) You are so creative.

  3. What a clever table -- I have a friend who would adore it!

  4. Now Melissa this was just plain fun ...I loved it all...WOW!! I had a cessna 195 that I sold 20 years ago...also have my to me this was a blast from the glad you welcomed me aboard...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  5. A+++ Melissa!!!! Your tablescape is so darling! I love it! You were the best pilot! I'd fly your airline anytime. wink!

  6. How fun!! My husband is a pilot in the AF and I just love it when he's in a flight suit and his leather jacket! I'm hoping the next assignment will be flight suit attire so I can give my iron a rest!!! And my Granny had an Elvis whiskey bottle! :)

  7. How fun! Wish I could fly by to see it in person. Happy tablescaping - The Tablescaper

  8. woW! a great tablecloth!

    happy tablescaping


  9. Wow!! HOW FUN!! I love the "tickets" Love the nostalgic feeling!

  10. Captain Melissa you win the award for most creative tablescape EVER!

    Love it! It's gorgeous with all the vibrant colors. The etched glasses are too cute.

    Have a blessed evening.
    ~Melissa :)

  11. you have the most creative ideas!!!!!! I want that tablecloth. Where on earth did you find it?!!!

  12. Hi Melissa !
    I love everything !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  13. Melissa!!!!Now that my friend took some imagination and creativity...My dad was a pilot...He would have flipped over this. Absolutely amazing...You Rocked this tablescape!!!xoxo~Kathy~@Sweet up-north Mornings..

  14. Oh my gosh, how much fun is that?! My husband has always been fascinated by airplanes, and has several old models, including P-51, on his desk at work. He would love this!

  15. Bravo! That is one wonderful post. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and will choose your airline (blog) in the future!


  16. Your post was funny and entertaining, and so creative! You really have quite a talent for table scaping, and you even know how to fly a plane! :O) Mary @Boogieboard Cottage

  17. Oh I really like your theme and how you pulled it all together. That vintage cloth is really something!!

  18. That was such a creative post Melissa! I love it! And appreciated your aviation lingo too!
    Have a great Thursday!
    ~Really Rainey

  19. love it. it just doesn't get anymore you. i especially love the rootbeer...almost gone..hahaha!

  20. Very creative I loved your tablescape

  21. Very enjoyable flight!! Clever girl!
    Love the drink o matic and the framed crate labels too!!

    Thanks for the ride!

  22. Your table looks like it could be in an Airplane museum!

  23. Melissa,

    This is truly the MOST creative tablescape I have ever seen!! What fun it was to travel with you (I can't believe you fly your own plane~pilots are right up there with surgeons to me, amazing people!).

    I love everything! Your wedding mugs are wonderful!

    Keep up the TT posts. You are great with them. Love the root beer in the background~things like that are always popping up in my pics! LOL!!

