Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sweet Treat Tuesday: Funnel Cakes

It is Sweet Treat Tuesday, here on the Prairie!! I can't think of any treat I look forward to at the fair as much as a delicious funnel cake. If you are ever in Southern California, make sure to check out Knott's Berry Farm; they have the best funnel cakes on earth!

While I will not claim that these funnel cakes are better than Knott's Berry Farm funnel cakes... I will just put it this way: there is no complaining from the husband when I decide to fix them. ;)
I found the original recipe here.

Here are the ingredients that you will need:

3 Eggs
2 cups Milk
1/2 cup Sugar
3 cups Self-Rising Flour
1 tsp Vanilla

Vegetable Oil for Frying

1/4 cup Sugar and 1/2 tsp Cinnamon for sprinkling
Powdered Sugar for topping
Fruit Topping, if desired

Ready to funnel??

Gather ingredients... In a large bowl, cream together eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla.

Add flour, a little at a time. Pour into an empty squeezable bottle, such as a ketchup bottle. OR you can pour into a funnel while plugging up the hole with your finger.

Pour vegetable oil into an 8 inch skillet and prepare to fry. Make sure you have metal tongs or a metal spatula for flipping. Heat oil to approximately 375 degrees.

Pour approximately 1/2 cup of batter (you can eyeball it... depending on how big you desire your funnel cakes to be) in a circular motion into the skillet. Hubby helped me with the pictures for this part... I wasn't about to try to balance hot oil and picture taking at the same time. ;)

Flip the funnel cake with tongs or metal spatula... you will see the funnel cake browning and bubbling (much like a pancake), signaling that it is time to flip.

Remove from skillet and soak up excess oil with a paper towel. You will have enough batter for at least 8 funnel cakes. You can always choose to refrigerate your batter in your squeezable bottle if you do not want to make so many funnel cakes at once.

Once oil is dried, sprinkle on cinnamon sugar mixture and top with powdered sugar.

You can add a fruit topping, if desired.

Rest assured, these will be a hit! Not to mention they are super duper easy!

For more fabulous recipes, check out Balancing Beauty and Bedlam's Tasty Tuesday.

as well as Blessed with Grace's Tempt My Tummy Tuesday!



  1. Funnel cakes are always a favorite for our family at fairs, ballparks, and carnivals. I'm sure yours are every bit as good as KBF. Yum

  2. We LOVE funnel cakes but don't like paying the high prices at concession stands. (And sometimes those are premade, which makes it even harder to pay those prices!) Thanks.

  3. Wow, that looks pretty easy to make. We love the funnel cakes at Knotts. We always get them when we go to Knotts.

  4. Your really bad for a girls diet wink wink, but Oh' that looks good... thanks for posting the how to's!

  5. this is my favorite treat when we go to Gatlinburg, TN!! and yes, they're good at home but not nearly as good up there :)

  6. I am totally in love with your blog! Its exactly everything I like! Im so glad I found it, I will be back for sure. Im adding you to my list ! Have a wonderful day and Thanks :)

  7. Yummy!!! I'm definitely going to give your recipe a try. Since we can't afford to go to the fair or Knotts Berry Farm, we can have the next best thing, funnel cakes!!!

  8. I really like funnel cakes, so thanks for a great recipe! I never tried to make them before, but I definitely will soon. :)

  9. I love funnel cakes and make em when the grandkids are extra good! (Cause I dislike frying things, I love eating fried things tho)
    Hope your week is going well...
    ~Really Rainey~
