Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Salad Saturday: Strawberry Salad with Candied Pecans

It is Summer Salad Saturday... hosted by Southern Whimsy! My contribution today is:

Strawberry Salad with Candied Pecans

And here is how you make it:

You will need:

1 egg white
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
A dash of Vanilla
3 cups whole pecans

Cinnamon and sugar to taste

A spring mix salad with spinach leaves.
Shredded cheddar cheese
Sunflower seeds (optional)

First, make your candied pecans.

-Preheat oven to 275 degrees.

-Line a baking sheet with wax paper and spray cooking spray generously on the wax paper.

-Combine one egg white, 1/2 cup packed brown sugar and a dash of vanilla. Mix.

-Add 3 cups of whole pecans (or chopped if you prefer bit size pieces).

-Lay out across greased wax paper and bake for 10 minutes.

-In a separate bowl mix some cinnamon and white sugar together... after removing pecans from oven, slide pecans off wax paper and into cinnamon and sugar mixture. Coat. Place pecans back on wax paper on baking sheet and bake for an additional 5 minutes.

-Remove from oven and set aside.

Make the salad.
-Combine a spring mix with spinach leaves.
-Add sliced cucumbers.
-Add shredded carrots.
-Add sliced Strawberries (It never hurts to sprinkle a little white sugar on the strawberries ;) )
-Add Pecans.
-Add shredded cheddar cheese to top.
-Raisins and sunflower seeds are optional.
-Individually add a vinaigrette dressing... I think a berry blend is the most complimentary... i.e. Strawberry or Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing.

Serve extra chilly. I usually make the salad as I'm making dinner and put the bowls (with all the salad ingredients minus the pecans and dressing) into the freezer. When dinner is ready, I pull them out, add the pecans and dressing and serve. I don't know what it is... but an extra cold, crisp salad makes such a difference to me. I especially like to make this on hot days... something about the cold salad and strawberries is the perfect summer salad to me. :)

For more delicious Summer Salad recipes... check out the other participants' posts!

Hope y'all enjoy!


  1. I am so drooling over your salad! It's funny; for my salad I used candied walnuts (cheated and got them at Trader Joe's!) and blueberries, but I had contemplated strawberries since I put those in salads a lot.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. This sounds heavenly. I love strawberries in salads. You are all linked in at my blog. Thanks for joining us again this week!

  3. Your salad looks SO good*! There's not anything I like better than fresh ripe strawberries, and they look so pretty in your salad. I also want to thank you for the sweet and encouraging comment you left me. Thank you so much for your prayers*! ((hugs)) _Ashley*

  4. This looks and sounds sooo good! I will definitely try it. Thanks for the detailed instructions and pictures!


    I'll join in with salads when we return from vacation.
