Thursday, June 11, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday: Bathroom

Show Us Where You Live Friday is graciously hosted by Kelly at Kelly's Korner. This week is bathrooms... and I will be giving you a tour around my master bathroom. We have a cream and black motif, accented with red and a scroll-y pattern. There is so much more I envision and would love to do, however, there are other priorities in the house right now. ;)

Looking into the bathroom from the master bedroom:
The sink and toilet are to the right, bathtub and shower are to the left. Pretty basic, but functional. ;)
We will explore the right side first. ;) I try to keep the counter tops simple and uncluttered... because I have a bad habit of leaving things out. haha
Accordingly, I have shelves that I put my "every day" products on to keep them off the counter. ;)

I have two simple glass jars that hold cotton balls and cotton swabs. I tied a scroll-y print ribbon around them to pretty them up.In the center is a long wooden dish that holds a few candles and cream colored, wooded potpourri.
A hand towel with our "theme" print.
Right next to the hand towel is a black scroll-y cross.

The only way to not get in the picture with the mirror is to hide in the bathtub and hold the camera up high. haha Yes, I was in the bathtub.

From the bathtub...looking right... door to the master bedroom.
Now we are going to the right side of the bathroom...

I have a jewelry armoire and a few old glass bottles with roses.
A few wall decorations...
And the bathtub.

Towel rack.

Around the bathtub...
A few candles in different sized mason jars... a red-topped jar of Epsom salt with a ribbon holding a heart shaped scoop...

Back out into the bathroom... at the end is a window (yes, I am a master of the obvious) haha...
a stand up shower to the left... and a toilet room to the right. I promise there is nothing exciting in there...
Except this! A fun toilet paper holder! ;)
And that concludes the bathroom tour! ;)
Make sure to check out the other participants' posts this week!


  1. That looks like a really peaceful place for a soak. I really like the jewelry armoire in there, it ties the cabinetry to the tub side of the room!

  2. A lovely job you have done ... very relaxing & peaceful. TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. Melissa,

    Your bath is really pretty. I love the black and cream. And I had to laugh, I am the Queen of Clutter! My husband says that he is happy we do not have a private bath because I would have my stuff EVERYWHERE!!

    The jewelry armoire is to die for. What a clever idea to put it in there. It looks fantastic!!

    I would love to join the event but I do not feel like cleaning up any of my bathrooms right now!! And you know how everything shows up on pictures!! ;-)

    Have a great weekend!!!


  4. Cute!! I keep my necessary junk in the drawer and cabinets. Our sink area and cabinets are very similar. I am slowly{in my head, mostly ;)} getting to my bathroom. I have a chandelier I painted that needs to be hung over my tub and some other decorative things put on the wall, and I will be semi-happy with it for now.
    Love your's!!

  5. Love it! The jars, candles, tile, wooden armoire. Looks like a great place to stay for a while.

  6. You have one of the nicest bathrooms posted here. I love the black scrolly towel bar. I have a container with candles, too. You have a very nice blog. I am going to add you as a favorite.

    BTW, I think I'll join your town tour.

  7. What a pretty bathroom. I really like all of your metal pieces...and the Ball jars. Loverly. :)

  8. Wow! That is beautiful. I love all of the accessories. Blessings to you!

  9. I LOVE IT - it is so peaceful - can you come remodel my bathrooms?

  10. Gorgeous bathroom! I love the details and those towels! :)

  11. Love it! I need your towels to go with my guest bathroom shower.... Were they from Target by any chance???

  12. Very pretty Melissa...Blondie just send me here and I am so glad she did I ♥ your blog...I added you to my list to follow...I love meeting new peeps..Thanks for sharing your pretty Master bath..and Girl I have to stand in the tub also to get a pic of mine too funny...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  13. I love your Mason Jar candles. Your bathroom is adorable. Will you please be my interior decorator!!!??? Soooo cute, you have he best style....I seriously mean that. Your house is my dream house!

  14. Like the ribbon around the jars- what a nice touch! And the iron towel rack is very pretty!

  15. How pretty Melissa! Love the towel design. :)
