Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ruffle Apron

I am in California right now...visiting my parents. My mom and I have very similar taste (the apple didn't fall very far from the tree here) especially when it comes to decorating, crafting and color schemes. My mom used to be a professional seamstress... so you can only imagine the remnants of fabric that she has accumulated over the years. I am like a kid in a candy store when I stay at her house. :)

I have been wanting to make a ruffle apron for a few weeks now. I had never seen one before; I thought I had made up a new idea... the likes of which no one has ever seen before...something that would revolutionize the apron industry! Yeah. I was losing my marbles over this idea... I even confided in my sister this top secret apron idea. And then my sister rained on my apron parade, informing me that Anthropologie already makes one. They stole my idea! ;) Ok, maybe great minds think alike... that's what I have convinced myself of anyway.

Nevertheless, I went ahead and made my ruffle apron anyway. The possibilities are endless... so many fabrics to choose from...patterns, is a mix and match heaven! :) Without further ado...(drum roll please)...I present to you... My Ruffle Apron!!

The Front

The Back.

The Side.

Fabrics used.

I am always attracted to bright and cheery colors... and of course RED! I love to pair red with yellow and green...and you really can't go wrong with polka dots, gingham and floral prints. ;)

There it is... in all of it's ruffly glory. ;) Yeah... that bust is on a broomstick. haha you have to do what you have to do. ;)

I had so much fun making this... that I will surely be making many more technicolored aprons. ;)
Isn't cooking, baking and cleaning so much more fun in a frilly apron? and baking is more fun... it simply makes cleaning bearable. ;)


  1. AHHHH! SO cute! is it for sale? I have a major thing for aprons!

  2. Thanks! :) I'm going to make a few more and put them on my etsy... any color scheme suggestions?

  3. i like blue, white, green with a touch of yellow personally...haha! ;o)

  4. Oh I am so back into aprons and this is the cutest one I have ever seen. I just love it. I also want to thank you for the gracious comments you always leave on my posts. I so appreciate it. I just did an inspirational post that I hope you will take the time to read. It is such a blessing to our family. Thanks, Hugs Marty

  5. brown and sage green are my fav colors!!! ill buy one from you

  6. Wow! You did a great job. Throwing this apron on would put me right in the mood to cook. You should definitely make some and sell them on Etsy.

  7. soooo cute!! Are you going to make any toddler size aprons? Love it!!

  8. That is such a cute & fun apron :-) I'm sure the Anthropologie version is nowhere near as nice!!

    The combination of prints and colours is great -- and a perfect way to use up fabric remnants :-)

    Thanks for checking out my guest bedroom makeover :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  9. Oh I just LOVE this!! It would make me feel so much better about doing housework and making a mess baking stuff in my tiny kitchen. How sweet!

  10. Oh, and green and pink would be divine!

  11. I REALLY like this one too!!! you're gonna put them up for sale on your etsy you say??? ;)
