Friday, May 1, 2009

Parasol Pretties

The rainy season is over and there is sunshine aplenty... all the more reason that I am losing my cotton pickin' marbles for these delightful, shade-giving accessories! I can't get enough of the lace and ruffles... how can you not feel like taking a stroll on a lovely day?

This cream-colored, ruffle-filled beauty has to be my favorite! Find it here.
These lace parasols are just so dainty. Can't you imagine being rowed around in a boat while holding one of these? It would only be appropriate. ;)

So Jane Austen!

Add a stroll on the prairie (or wherever you might be) to your to do list this weekend... and don't forget to take your parasol. :)


  1. What a darling blog you have!! :) It's so nice to meet you! Thanks for your sweet comment, and for joining my followers!! :)

  2. I honestly was just looking at parasols! I remember going to see my doctor last summer and I was wearing a tank top and skirt and he gave me a verbal slap on the wrist, and I go, "well it's hot" and he goes, "then carry a parasol!" haha and I've actually really been thinking of getting one. I like the first one!

  3. Your blog is gorgeous! I think my 2 year old daughter definitely needs a parasol for the summers in Texas: )Wouldn't that be fun way to protect our skin if we all started using them?I love it!
