Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Please...

Apparently Dolly had a delicious breakfast... because she insisted on seconds. She found me in another room with her bowl in her mouth... the first time she has ever done this. I was so happy to have my camera right by me to get this picture. Every owner thinks that their dog is the cutest dog they have ever seen... and I'm no exception. How can I say no to those puppy dog eyes? ;)


  1. Oh, I love those little doggies! She is adorable! I want her!


  2. Dolly is precious! I have to say that is one cute Cav :)

  3. Awe... Dolly "IS" the cutest dog ever!! and how cute that she brought you her dish for seconds!!
    What kind of doggie is she??

    me again... hehe
    I need to go to bed, but I'm having too much fun here at the Huckleberry Prairie! (what a cute name!)

  4. Hey wait a minute, it's 2 hours earlier where I am!!

  5. Sherri, Dolly is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They are the sweetest, most loving breed. Such a good dog. I actually have two of them... the other one is a boy named Dallas. ;) Thank you so much for your sweet comments...and I know what you mean, I'm always up late looking at blogs. haha ;)
