Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Navy Goshawk Ball

Jon and I went to the Navy Goshawk Ball and had an absolute hoot. :)
I'll share a few pictures from our night...

Getting ready to go... taking a few pictures before we leave.

My handsome husband...
A few pictures of my dress... I decided to wear a vintage, tea-length, tiered polka dot dress with a red sash and red heels (had to throw the red in somewhere!). I wanted something fun... and I was certain that no one would be wearing the same dress. ;)

I love that Dolly is just watching me. haha... she is probably pleased as punch that it is my turn to parade in front of the camera and not hers!
And now, hubby...
Yes, as a matter of fact that tuxedo shirt does have dragons all over it. It is called the "party" shirt and Jon was proud as a peacock to be wearing it. The yellow was his squadron color.

Arriving at the ball...
Is it sad that I had to take a picture of the tablescape?? haha Or is it more sad that I thought that I have seen much prettier tablescapes on Tablescape Thursday (hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch)?

They did, however, have these glass favors with a jet etched into it. We need another "favor" glass with a jet on it like we need a hole in the head. haha No complaints here though... I won't turn down anything with an airplane on it. ;)

And sneaking a last picture in the elevator on the way out...

It really was a fun night...and great to meet all the people you hear stories about but never get the chance to put a face to the name. :) Now only if I can find a ball to attend where you get to wear a ginormous ball gown and waltz around to the likes of Mozart and Beethoven...perhaps even arrive by horse and buggy. Am I living in the wrong era? ;) I often think so...


  1. Well isn't that a mighty fine dress you have on there ;) I seriously had to stare at Jon's shirt for like 5 minutes, it's crumbelievable, the sleeves don't even look real... like they're rip-away sleeves haha. But you guys look cute and it looks like it was a good time! Hopefully you didn't lose a glass slipper ;)

  2. What a beautiful couple! You look fabulous, I love the dress~ Cindy

  3. You both look like movie stars on the red carpet. I love your tea length dress. Now your husbands shirt made me laugh. Too funny. I am glad you had fun. I agree with you about the ball gowns and another era in time.

  4. so cute love the pictures.............glad you had a great time!

  5. Looks lIke a really fun night... Your dress is just adorable and I love it that you have a "signature color". You and your handsome hubby look fabulous!

    ~Really Rainey~

  6. Melissa Marie~

    Your dress is absoluely the red touches too!! It looks like you had a wonderful time....thank-you for the peek into a Navy Ball!! I am right there with you when it comes to being born in the wrong era...I would love to be in a gorgeous ball gown doing the waltz too!!


  7. Both of you look absolutely gorgeous. I LOVE your dress and I'm sure everyone else did too. What a fun evening. Hugs, Marty

  8. Hi Melissa, You both look awesome and you are just such a little cutie in that dress!!

    My hubby flew helicopters in the Army for 20 years...we have glasses with choppers on them!! Too funny!! Wouldn't trade them for the world!!

    I'm so glad you had a great night!! I must say those sleeves are crazy!! Seems like something my hubby would do!! :o)

    Have a great week!!

  9. Oh my gosh, you are too adorable!! Love the dress!!

  10. I love your dress. Hubby & you are just too dang cute together!!! And I would say "yes", you were born in the wrong era.
