Thursday, May 28, 2009

Flaunt Your Red: Vintage Handkerchiefs in Float Frames

I am so excited to join the "Flaunt Your Red" Party this week at Poofing the Pillows. Red is my favorite color... you would have never guessed judging by the red on my blog. ;) I have always admired a little project my Mom put together in her living room. Her colors are black and white, accented with red. I took a few pictures on my last visit to her house and thought I would share. :)

She collected vintage handkerchiefs... all in red and white. Next, she starch pressed them nice and flat... and displayed them in a collage of black float frames. It is such an easy project and is so darn cute. I'll show you around these fabulous vintage hankies... take a look:

There you have it. My first Flaunt Your Red party post. :) And a fun little DIY project that can be done with any hanky pattern or design, using any colors that suit your fancy.


  1. Great red hankerchief collection! What great idea your Mom had to frame them! They look so sweet!!
    I once made a dress out of a collection vintage hankerchiefs I had!

    Thanks for sharing Melissa, and Melissa's Mom!

  2. Hi Melissa Marie! Your mom had a fabulous idea to float those handkerchiefs in frames. They are each so pretty. Great way to show them off.

    I'm very glad you decided to participate in Flaunt Your Reds today. Hope you have lots of nice visitors. I've been enjoying your blog since I found you recently. It's so cute!

    Come by on Sunday for the drawing. Happy Friday!

  3. I just found your blog and it's so cute! I look forward to checking it out more :) I love the handkerchief collection, so pretty! What a great idea framing them :)

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Melissa Marie~

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments on my blog!! What a wonderful idea...I love it. I have several vintage hankies...mostly in neutral colors that I have aways wanted to display but never have. How cute this ould look above a bed or in hall near the bathroom or bedroom. Thank-you for sharing!!


  5. What a lovely display and what a great collection! I guess I need me some hankies (O:

  6. Nothing better then displayed vintage hankies, except when they're red!!! BRavo!!!

  7. Oooh! Those are very dainty and pretty!

  8. What a fantastic blog you have! I am so glad I found you through the Flaunting Your Red party. This is the first time I have participated too. I Love the handkerchiefs! So clever and beautiful! Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  9. What a fantastic idea! Now I have to go rummage through my old hankies to see what I can come up with!

  10. That is so cute!! I am so using this idea!!

  11. Oh...this is so pretty!!! What a great collection and so wonderfully displayed!!!

    Have a great FYR Friday!!!

  12. Hi Melissa!
    I have tried and tried to leave you acomment today and blogger keeps kicking me off. Silly blogger...:)

    Your red hankies are so pretty! Love
    this creative idea. Your blog is beautifully done as well. Love the red and the polka dot design.

    We have so much in common! I didn't know the Navy had Balls in the Summer. The MC has it in November every year to celebrate the Birthday.

    I do hope you come and vist me again. You're always welcome!
    I look forward to getting to know you better. Blogland is so much fun isn't it? I was looking for your "follower" button and I can't see it. You're welcome to follow mine as well.

    Have a wonderfully blessed weekend. Show us pics for the ball okay!
    ~Warmly, Melissa :)

    PS I left you a comment last week about your darling haircut. Love it!

  13. That's such a cute idea and it looks so pretty!


  14. What a great idea! It looks wonderful, and what a pretty way to flaunt your red!
