Friday, April 25, 2008

Welcome Note

Well come on in! Stay a while! Let me serve you an ice-cold sweet tea and fresh-out-of-the-country-oven goody.

There is never a rush on the prairie. Life is slower here; we absorb the beauty that surrounds us and delight in the company that visits us.
You, my new friend, are my company and I hope you feel welcomed...because I am pleased as punch that you are here!

I will let you in on a little secret... You don't have to be raised on a farm or live on the plains to be a Prairie Girl! No ma'am! Being a Prairie Girl is more than just a way of life; it is a way of heart, soul and mind.

It is an attitude that each day only comes once in a lifetime.

It is believing in the ability to create a life that you love to live, wherever you are, whatever your situation. Life can be so much more than "making do" or "getting by"...just by appreciating the fundamentals and by giving loving touches to the details in our daily lives.

It is taking pride in keeping up the homestead and serving our family through cooking, baking, decorating and cleaning (not always a pleasant act of service, but a necessary one).

It is believing that you deserve nourishment for your soul through faith, fellowship, friendship and femininity.

It is allowing your soul to be expressed through creating. Create... a family, a garden, a craft, a writing, a painting, a home...a blog. Whatever your soul craves to create, do it. Your soul will rejoice.

Most importantly, it the decision to serve the Lord with a joyful heart. To be an encouragement to others by sharing God's love, grace and mercy to the people God has strategically placed around you. It is the decision to honor God, even when it is unpopular, with the grace and love that God has graciously blessed you with.

These, my dear friends, are the common threads, tightly woven in each of our hearts, that form a friendship bond as Prairie Girls.
We are in the city and in the country, all across the world...

Together, we form Huckleberry Prairie; a place where all are welcome!

A place to find a source of inspiration... a retreat to renew, refresh and refocus our priorities and our daily joys. Together.

Be a Prairie Girl!
Stake a Claim on This Prairie Girl Button! :)